"During his time as regional Executive Creative Director of Euro RSCG Worldwide, Richard Henderson significantly influenced the branding and communication for our premium brand in a manner that was all at once insightful, imaginative and acceptably irreverent. Richard was a welcome introduction to the Carlsberg team. Anyone who has operated within the realms of tobacco or alcohol marketing - I have worked in both - knows the categories require a unique approach to generate and maintain impact as well as presence. Richard constantly demonstrated equal measures of caution, cunning and creativity when it counted. An excellent strategist, Richard understood the target market like he was sleeping with each of our prospects! He is entertaining to observe and rarely did a meeting wrap where his team hadn't whipped a fresh surprise out of the bag. Be it guerrilla, viral campaigns or a proactive press idea, never did they cease to crack us up. The agency was entrusted to launch Carlsberg Club Bottle as an image driver. The mother brand Carlsberg needed brand rejuvenation in line with the market and changing consumer dynamics. The requisite launch of Carlsberg's Club Bottle, encompassing everything from truly inventive point of purchase to an inspired multimedia extravaganza has propelled the Carlsberg brand to positive growth. Passion is remarkably contagious and Richard's creative team clearly caught the bug; their design work warrants singling out for special mention. Richard is among the finest brand ambassadors I have worked alongside."
Bryan Lee Regional Marketing Director, Carlsberg
I cannot count of how many advertising creative types I have worked with who have seemingly lost sight of the fact that they are employed to actually sell a product or service. Here is man who boasts mountains of marketing wisdom. I speak from personal experience - Richard gets results! He is an excellent strategist, amongst the top I've had the pleasure to work with across both traditional and digital arenas. The unique aspect of this man's 'sell or die' attitude is that he is also one of the better creative innovators that I know. It is abundantly clear from his work that he loves marketing and throws himself headlong into every brief. Having worked with 'Hendo' closely for a couple of years and seen his rise to a number of renowned roles, he is genuinely a terrific person, boasting a great sense of humour and what appears to be an instinctual ability to lead account teams to great success. You will enjoy working with him, rest assured.
Pawan Bahuguna Regional Business Director, Ogilvy
“Sir Richard has the tendency to storm one's consciousness like some scimitar-wielding demagogue inciting wave after wave of crazed mercenaries and assassins. And in relentless barrage, his ideas assault the senses, assailing the status quo and challenging preconceptions until the white flag of truce is raised to flutter feebly from the turret. "Courage in the face of apathy! Valor in the face of timidity, fear and hesitation! Once more unto the brand dear friends. Once more!" Such is his rallying cry to his troops as they gird themselves to do battle upon any and all enemies of the brash, the bold and the original. It's hard not to feel a twinge of jealousy at the novelty of his blindsiding insights and strategies. Of course! I COULD have thought of that. But I didn't. He did. Damn him. How timely, then, his recent peerage. That the Order of the Garter should be bestowed upon such broad yet humble shoulders, shows final recognition of his steadfast and enduring service to Queen, Country and Concept.”
John Lambie Regional Integration Director, Bates Asia